Donate some time to plant
If you are able to help with planting and maintenance at the two special sites - Bilarabyn Reserve, Veresdale in Scenic Rim Region, and Champney's Remnant site at Cedar Vale in Logan City please contact our project leader Carla Parker if you can - or just turn up! If at all possible please confirm your attendance so that we can better prepare materials and plants.
We are planning to work at these sites eack weekend Saturday 17 October to Saturday 05 December 2009 8.00am to 11.00am
PLEASE BYO DRINKING WATER, wear appropriate footwear, gloves and hat.
Bringing a bucket or two - if you can - it will help speed up the watering process
Please see the attached Working Bee Schedule for the remainder of 2009.
Thank you for your continued interest in the Veresdale Scrub Project. New helpers are always welcome. We would appreciate your contacting Carla beforehand unless you are coming along with a 'regular' helper.
Contact Carla Parker Phone: 5543 2414 or 0408 785448 Email: