Meet Alex Harris at Berrinba Sanctuary open day 15 December 2012.
If you are new to becoming engaged in helping to save Australia's iconic koala you may not yet know the name. She is responsible for developing an amazing online website and tool to allow citizen scientists all over Australia to record their sightings. Come along to Berrinba Sanctuary open day 15 December 2012 and meet her and hear first hand about Koalatracker which is Australia's first national crowdsourced koala map. 
This amazing tool has been provided for us all to use. So lets all become KoalaTrackers so we can report koala sightings, view the koala map, view member photo galleries, use resources and search the database to learn more about koalas in our area and more.
CLICK HERE OR ON IMAGE ABOVE TO GO TO THE WEBSITE. Also provided there are phone numbers for sick or injured koalas.
In SEQ we have the following:
Logan's new Wildlife Ambulance managed through RSPCA 1300 852 188
Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital 1300 369 652
Daisy Hill Koala Centre Ambulance 07 3299 1032
Ipswich Koala Protection Society 07 5464 5274
Wildcare Australia 07 5527 2444
Redlands 24 hour Wildlife Rescue 07 3833 4031 or 07 3299 1032
Sunshine Coast Koala Wildlife Rescue 0423 618 740