GREATER FLAGSTONE is supposed to be one of Queensland's "master planned satellite cities" with planning decisions made by state government - not local councils.
Yet Queensland Government agency DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING has not included local community in any of its planning meetings for North Maclean proposed Enterprise Precinct. There have obviously been detailed meetings with local government Logan City Council and developers as revealed when DAs are added to EDQ website for PDAs.
Currently a seach shows that there are 11 applications relating to Greater Flagstone and 30 applications that have been approved - some in Pub Lane, Teviot Road, Jimboomba, North Maclean, Undullah, Kagaru, New Beith, Cedar Grove. There has never been any community consultation arranged for these 31 applications and as a "master planned city" there is NO CONCEPT PLAN for the "city" which is devoid of adequate infrastructure.
Public notification has not been well displayed - if at all.
820 Greenbank Road is DEV2015/727 by The Planning Place Lot 2 on RP868726 has 14 documents
Action Community has delayed a decision date for 15-20 days after 27 January - apparently an extension granted by applicant?
This gives community and concerned residents more time to make further representations to EDQ state MPs and local politicans.
See a sample letter attached which you might like to use as a guide. It reflects issues that LACA Logan and Albert Conservation Inc has.
“A proposal to establish a single area for light industries may be favourably considered in the Maclean area ” (Beaudesert Shire Council Strategic Plan 1996)
Pre 1996 North Maclean was zoned rural residential – industrial use was not compatible in this area
1996 Beaudesert shire council changed the zoning of an area at North Maclean to industry on their strategic plan. There was never any community consultation about the suitability of industry in an existing rural residential area.
July 2005 SEQRP released identifying Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Area (Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Area) for further investigation
October 2005 Office of Urban Management OUM (State Government) Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Investigation for South-East Queensland Regional Plan ( SEQRP Amendment 1). North Maclean Enterprise Precinct (industrial area) extended from the Mt Lindesay Highway to the Greenbank interstate railway line.
Jan-March 2006 A community group north Beaudesert Shire Action Group NBSAG surveyed almost 1000 people - 89% opposed industry at North Maclean.
North Maclean Enterprise Precinct was added to the South-East Queensland Regional Plan (Amendment 2006).
March 2007 Beaudesert Shire Council ordinary meeting moved –
“there is no need or justification for the North Maclean Enterprise Precinct …industrial land can be met in other developments across the shire”
May 2007 Beaudesert shire council requested the OUM remove the North Maclean industrial area –
“it is constrained by powerlines, flooding and environmental considerations, plus the need for buffering to nearby rural residential areas …North Maclean is not required…the area should be removed from the SEQRP”
New public group on Facebook so that community can participate in discussions on any planning proposals that impact community and environment within Logan City boundaries. There are currently several planning proposals / development applications DA / material change of use MCU that have not / do not make adequate provisions for appropriate community consultations.
The Greater Flagstone PDA covers a total area of 7188 hectares. It is located west of the Jimboomba and the Mount Lindesay Highway, along the Brisbane-Sydney rail line. It includes part of the suburb of NORTH MACLEAN and the area being identified as NMEP North Maclean Enterprise Precinct. This was previously called MLNBSA Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Study Area in the SEQRP Southeast Queensland Regional Plans.
This public group invites community members to join, after reading description of guidelines of participation. Click image to go to Facebook.
Will presence of quolls near North Maclean influence federal government decision re
planning proposal for an Enterprise Precinct NMEP?
What about the federally endangered grey-headed flying fox? Koalas are acknowledged - but inadequtely.
A desktop study for quolls reveals little about this cryptic camera shy nocturnal carnivous native mammal - often referred to as our native cat - at North Maclean or elsewhere. The developer can perhaps be excused for not knowing of the number of sightings of the quoll known among the local community.
Our curiosty was aroused when local resident and bike rider collected roadkill on Mount Lindesay Highway and this was taken to Queensland Museum where it was confirmed to be a quoll. Unfortunately for the quoll it also became roadkill while feasting on first roadkill. They are quite fond of dead carasses. This and another dead quoll are held by the Queensland Museum.
The application dismisses the likely presence of quolls. However without a signigicant survey by paid and qualified consultants - over a suitable time period it is presumtuous to make such a claim.
Dr Scott Burnett Quoll Biologist from Sunshine Coast University and Wildlife Queensland received funding in 2006 from Beaudesert Shire council to conduct a survey of community reported sightings of spotted tail quolls in the suburbs of Spring Mountain, Greenbank, Munruben, North Maclean, South Maclean, Chambers Flat, Park Ridge South and Logan Reserve. Three roadkill specimens were reported: one from the Goodna-Springfield Rd at Greenbank ( 2004), one from Teviot Rd and one on the Mt Lindesay Highway near the intersection of Carter Road ( 2005). Two of these specimens are held in the Queensland Museum.
Dr Scott Burnett wrote to the OUM [Office of Urban Management - later ULDA Urban Land Development Authority and now EDQ Economic Development Queensland] in 2006 stating that all remaining habitat in the Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Study Area should be regarded as potential habitat for quolls. To date, sightings of quolls continue to be reported from the areas at and surrounding the North Maclean site from the community sightings to date , quoll dog tracking on LCC reserves ( limitations - problems with detecting scat scent during the wetter years from Nov 2011 to 2015 when this survey method has been used in the local area), Main Roads survey at Chambers Creek (Jerry’s Downfall).
LACA Logan and Albert Conservation Association Inc president Anne Page has been collating many of the reported quoll sightings but to date there is no published report about the population and movement of quolls in the Mt Lindesay North Beaudesert Study Area. Both Beaudersert Shire council - now Scenic Rim Regioal Council after amalgamation - and Logan City Council have allocated $5000 each for comunity education and awareness programs with presumably a report / acquital of some kind required. A draft map provided by SEQ Catchments is the base map. Anne has added additional sightings - all included in LACA's submission to initial draft map.
Before further clearing is approved a complete well funded research survey of quolls, their habitat movement and breeding with analysis really should happen if local, state, and federal governments are committed to ecological sustainable development. How much longer do we pay lip service to the concept of ESD and carry on with "business as usual"? Until such time more credance must be given to citizen scientists who have recorded and/ reported their sightings.
LACA's submission as sent to developer's lawyer as per procedure for assessment by preliminary documentation is now online - with personal identication records removed. Read / download here LACA-Public-NorthMaclean_9.03.15.pdf
Wednesday 25 March 7-9.30pm
Park Ridge Baptist Main Hall
3922 Mt Lindesay Highway
located on the eastern service lane of the Mt Lindesay Highway between Talinga Drive and Hillcrest Rd
WERE YOU EVEN ASKED? Given an opportunity to have a say?
Contact LACA president: Anne Page ph 3297 0624
Do your concerns relate to wildlife that could lose ALL their habit at 4499-4651 Mount Lindesay Highway?
Do your concerns relate to the public consultation process? This was in 2011 Greater Flagstone UDA Development Scheme Greater Flagstone UDA Development Scheme now EDQ Economic Development Queensland?
Did you know this was an opportunity to comment about NORTH MACLEAN ENTERPRISE PRECINCT?
Do your concerns relate to how well the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) will protect the vulnerable koala, endangered quoll, endangered grey-headed flying fox?
Do your concerns relate to loss of amenity for people living on adjacent rural residential propertires? No buffers!!
Do your concerns relate to increased traffic, impact on local roads, and lack of alternative modes of travel from the car?
Do your concerns relate to water quality of Logan River?
Do your concerns relate to safe fauna infrastructure?
There are many reasons to be concerned about the proposed NORTH MACLEAN ENTERPRISE PRECINCT
Did you see the public notice in Jimboomba Times in time to comment by 9 March 2015?
WERE YOU ABLE TO ACCESS THE DOCUMENTATION? Where? How? It is no longer on website for Reel Planning.
Have you contacted a local councillor, State member, your federal representative? How have they responded?
Documentation relating to North Maclean Enterprise Precinct claims there has been "extensive" community consultation.
All documents are available from links at
Can you provide a comment about level of opportunity for community consultation you had for
North Maclean? It has been a difficult process to follow with multiple name changes. Who would think that Greater Flagstone included North Maclean?
It is at least 8 kilometres away and shares no adjacent suburb boundary or even same POSTCODE?
A "North Maclean" search of this website for Logan and Albert Conservation Association Inc LACA will produce many articles which together reveal that community has had issues with level of consultation available. There is a timelime here
included in article
Residents fight for wildlife Industrial estate planned at North Maclean
Endangered species future in doubt at North Maclean?
Have YOU been consulted? Comments close 9 March 2015
Koalas, spotted tailed quolls, grey headed flying foxes, glossy black cockatoos, wallum froglet are known to be using / living in the extant habitat within the former dairy farm having road frontage along Mt Lindesay and Crowson Lane.
Wetland and waterways occur on the property as does the federally endangered ecological community known as Swamp Tea-tree forest with signature Melaleuca Irbyana species. Regional ecosystem descriptions 12.3.11 of concern and 12.9-10.12 endangered are present. Glossy black cockatoos or Glossies in QLD eat the seeds of only two allocasuarina trees:Allocasuarina littoralis andA. torulosa. Having a very restricted diet the Glossy Black Cockatoo is susceptible to habitat loss through land clearing,logging, agriculture and urban development. A. littoralis is present and clearing is proposed – without mitigation.
ASK FOR the immediate removal of the proposed industry and business area proposed for the North Maclean identified growth area.
Community in the surrounding rural residential areas has continued to oppose the proposed industrial and business land use concept for this site since 2005 and has made submissions at all local government ( Beaudesert Shire Council , Logan City Council) and state government ( OUM, DIP) planning processes since 2005.
North Maclean was an identified growth area in the SEQRP 2009 - 2031 . North Maclean has not been adequately assessed for its biodiversity and natural resource values which are environmental assets of South-east Queensland and Logan City Council. The proposed site for industry and business at North Maclean is a biodiversity hotspot. Any activity which occurs within that area should be considered for its natural capital - not just land within a geographical area with no other land use values.
The Logan City Council presented 3 planning options for Greater Flagstone in November 2009. Logan City Council’s Consultation Report ( 2010) for this process states that the Council received feedback from a total of 125 submitters - of which 100 were private submitters.
In 2006 there were approximately 20 325 people living in Flagstone, Greenbank, New Beith, Munruben and North Maclean. This means that the submissions received represented approximately 0.5 % or 0.6 %.Therefore Logan City Council’s preferred Option 1 (used by the ULDA) is not representative of the opinions of the majority of the community.
It is ludicrous to think that such a significant planning process for Greater Flagstone by the ULDA is based on only the preferences of 125 submitters .
Logan City Council provided 3 development options, the “pros and cons of each scenario were provided with all three options receiving similar preference”. Therefore Logan City Council’s preferred Option 1 (used by the ULDA) is not representative of the opinions of the majority of the community.
In the 3 Options proposed for Greater Flagstone by Logan City Council, the land uses for Greenbank Central , Greenbank East and North Maclean were almost identical in all 3 Options. Options 1 and 2 were identical and Option 3 had no industry located at Greenbank East .
Consequently the community has NEVER been given the democratic right to reject or seek alternatives for North Maclean , Greenbank Central or Greenbank East .
If you care about the future of North Maclean , Greenbank Central or Greenbank East, make a submission to ULDA Greater Flagstone UDA by May 20 to have your input considered. There will be little point in complaining in the future.
Koalas, quolls, powerful owls, glossy black cockatoos all use the habitat in these areas.