Logan and Albert Conservation members are working with the NO PRC group to oppose the GATEWAY extension extension - aka Park Ridge Connector Road / freight tollway.
Our allied groups are totally opposed to the mislabelled viable corridor and LACA as a participant in the CSRG Community Stakeholder Reference Group have opposed the idea of viability of any corridor that proposes to separate or transect regional biodiversity corridors and large areas of wildlife habitat currently under the stewardship of landowners who value that habitat for both wildlife and human species. Click on image to go to story.

We are extremely disappointed that this has happened before our long requested meeting with Mr Emerson takes place. This has been arranged for a time between sessions at parliament next week.
The Logan West Leader 3 July, has an article about the Minister's decision on page 2. It is similar to the article in last week's Logan Albert News (with the same photo) but with a few new interesting details:
"A DEFINITE route for the contentious road corridor from Browns Plains to Park Ridge will be finalised within the month."
Phil Pidgeon has stood firm, labelling the consultation process a 'sham' and calling for a new consultation process.
Emerson has said, "I've made a decision that the corridor needs to go ahead" and, "I'll be taking some final advice on the final alignment, particularly at both the Logan Motorway and Granger Rd ends."
The poor designs of interchanges on Mt Lindesay Highway at Browns Plains and the Logan Motorway exchange from Wembley Road result in traffic congestion now. Adding another interchange somewhere on Wembley Road will be challenging.