NOTHING IS PROTECTED along corridor for section of
INLAND RAIL Calvert - Acacia Ridge ARTC 2017/7944
prepared by Ted Fensom of Wildlife Qld and BREC - Brisbane Region Environment Council
This could involve clearing of about 500 hectares of koala and fauna habitat and near natural grasslands without any clarity on a range of sustainable fauna outcomes. This clearing could increase for each of haul roads, access roads, dumps, lay down areas, cuttings and depots. A combined EIS under
A combined EIS under bilaterals is proposed. The Coordinator General's Terms of Reference COG's TOR is yet to come out. See EPBC 2017/7944- controlled action documents
The Acacia Ridge to Port of Brisbane rail mentioned in Senate estimates is still a matter of State- Federal negotiations.
Tunnels proposed at Woollamin are Woollamin 1 length of 1.1 km and Woollamin 2 200 metres. Information on the Ebenezer crossing is needed
Vegetation will be remapped for Regional Ecosystems, but that does not necessarily disclose High Value Regrowth, Old Growth, Rare and Threatened Species or classification of near natural grasslands or Biodiversity Hotspots under CNCCS or SEQB BPA .
Submission on Directions Paper: Better Planning for Queensland
Comments close 23 October 2015
Submit via email to
It is disappointing that Logan citizens were denied an opportunity to attend a local workshop with planners to gain better understanding of what the discussion paper means and its implications for future planning in Queensland.
Logan and Albert Conservation Association LACA exec members have shared concerns with the Environmental Defenders Office Qld EDQ, Queensland Conservation Council QCC, Friends of South-east Queensland group FOSEQ and Redlands 2030 who have each put together some very detailed and substantial documents for which we can also endorse support.
To illustrate three issues for protection Greenspace, Koala Habitat and Coastal Protection are missing from Planning Bills.
"Greenspace, Koala Habitat and Coastal Protection are missing" - BREC Brisbane Region Environment Council contact Ted Fensom
Please compose a brief submission - using any of the issues from LACA's submission which is attached. Please personalise as issues relate to you -or you are most concerned about.
Submission-on-Directions-Paper_BetterPlanningforQueensland_LACA_web.pdf351.05 KB22/10/2015, 13:35
The words of Edward Burke "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" serve to remind us that silence on an issue is construed as its support. When economic gain surpasses and overrides significant social and planetary wellbeing those concerned must raise their voices.
BREC advises us of the following concerns:
The Greenspace provisions and green fauna infrastructure have been left out of the initial bill, provision of the ranges of parklands, trails, open space, and bushland, are largely no longer defined or compulsory, and six different programs covering a wider range of greenspace including recreation reserves, inter urban breaks and National Reserve System largely no longer exist. The future greenspace of Queensland will have to be subsidised by Ratepayers as the UDIA Policy is "no more contributions".
New Residential Infrastructure capping gaps in some cities will also have to be subsidised by Ratepayers. This fast track legislation trashing of decades of integrated interagency planning, environmental advice and public consultation is a developers dream he said . "This is a return to the 1980s Planning."
BAHRS SCRUB is one of Logan's natural treasures.
The area is home to many plants - some unique and existing no where else in the world.
But unlike our usual regard for treasure, when it is a land area we believe it exists mainly to benefit the economic growth of a developer - whether the developer be a large company or one person. Such are the natural values of Bahrs Scrub that many natural area scientists eg botanists, ecologists, zoologists, geologists made recommendations many years ago that the area become a NATIONAL PARK! Common land which is owned by the country for the benefit of all people seems to little understood or valued in our societies rush to build more housing for human habitat - with not enough regard for the displaced species - such as the vulnerable koala - now listed as endangered federally.
Click on image above to go to larger image for LDAP.
Click here for link to all council documents relating to Local Development Area Plan.
Council's proposed plan was available for comment - now closed - and all relevant documents are able to be viewed on council's site.
There are many differences, aspects of dissention and anomalies with the proposal and what environmental groups such as LACA Logan and Albert Conservation Association, BREC Brisbane Regional Environment Council and SBSA Save Bahrs Scrub Alliance which includes GECKO Gold Coast and Hinterland Environment Council and respected botanist Glenn Leiper believe are needed to achieve a better environmental outcome.