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Give Mother Earth A Chance

Give Mother Earth A Chance

shivaDr Vandana Shiva is a physicist, environmental activist, author and eco-feminist. Speaking at the Sydney Opera House for the City of Sydney Peace Prize she delivers an incredible and inspirational lecture - online video here - Give Mother Earth A Chance. LACA members and supporters will be inspired . Watch here.

"If commerce starts to undermine life support, then commerce must stop, because life has to carry on." This is the central premise of Dr Vandana Shiva's passionate address in which she lambasts global corporations for waging war against nature in the name of profits. Shiva argues that when commonly used agricultural herbicides have names like "Round Up", "Squadron", "Avenge", one can see there is war being waged against nature...and the humans are winning at the cost of their own future. To Vandana Shiva, fighting for peace for 'Mother Earth' is the broadest peace movement we can engage in.

She calls for a form of 'Earth Democracy', that re-imagines the biosphere as a citizen, that has universal rights that need protecting and defending.


Vandana Shiva : Sydney Peace Prize Talk from WisdomKeepers Productions on Vimeo.

Read 4338 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44