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Supporting Stradbroke Island Management Organisation

Drawing by Jennie Truman
You can support the Queensland government's new vision to make 80 per cent of North Stradbroke Island (NSI) national park

by sending a short simple email.

We must let the State government know urgently there is wide support for a national park on North Stradbroke Island and for ending mining. If you have already sent in a submission, we're asking you to send another and to ask your colleagues, friends and family to write as well. Maybe even print out letters and ask people to sign them?

According to the Queensland Government's website Queensland Government is committed to North Stradbroke Island becoming a vibrant sustainable community of traditional owners, residents and visitors; capitalising and safeguarding the natural landscape values of the island. By the end of 2011 more than half of the island will be national park.

Such a vision would provide a future economic base for the North Stradbroke Island community and deliver on the government's commitment to sustainable growth and development.


I want to register my support for the Queensland government's new vision to make 80 per cent of North Stradbroke Island (NSI) national park. 

* The island will be a great national park, so close to Brisbane.
* Protect all its rich diversity of flora and fauna, including koalas.
* Gazette as much national park as possible this term ofgovernment (more than 56 per cent).

* Make remaining untouched or lightly disturbed land national park before it's mined, not after.

* End mining as soon as possible: it's had 60 years, and Stradbroke cannot withstand any more destruction.
* Start the island's economic transition now to low-impact, nature-based tourism.
* Ensure mine workers and their families are given due consideration as the mines close.
* Implement joint management of the national park with the island's traditional owners.

Include your name and contact details - and remember: interstate and overseas submissions are valid
Send to: 
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Visit theStradbroke Island Management Organisation website to read about the great work that community group is doing.

Read 5382 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44