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ENVIROWEEK - opportunities for us all - and maybe prizes

enviroweekEveryday we hear and read about the environment and how our human behavioursare impacting on our home. The environment is everyone's home and is shared - though not evenly - with all humans and all other life forms or species.

This week 11- 17 October 2009 is the first ENVIROWEEK. It has been set up to highlight and reward or acknowledge those people, groups, schools and community groups who are each making contributions towards protecting our environment. is the group responsible for beginning this promotion and various cities and individuals have connected with the process.

  • We can all do something - here are some challenges for us

Plant 100 native or food trees

Write a personal letter to 10 politicians and insist on greater action to protect our environment

Turn everything off at the switch

Eat food that comes from within 200 kilometres of home

Start a walking school bus

This process can also we used as a fundraiser. See details here for donations via CA_EDH_Logo_thumb


 an associated site is designed especially for Victorian schools but is a great resource for teachers and students everywhere.


Read 2461 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43