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Identified Growth Areas - what does this mean - where are they?

The words we speak and language we use can often be confusing and misleading. Identified Growth Areas is the expression being used in the current SEQRP - replacing the language used in the earlier SEQRP.

Identified Growth Areas are areas to be INVESTIGATED BEFORE any development is allowed to happen in the future.

The language of planners is not the language of the average citizen. If there is a glossary please check. If you attend any so-called consultations  - please ask for explanations.

Under the South East Queensland Regional Plan SEQRP 2009 - 2031 the identified growth areas were  listed (see109 of SEQRP 2009 - 2031) as

- New Beith - Round Mountain 

-  Beaudesert south

- Greater Bromelton

- North Maclean

- Greenbank ( east)

- Yarrabilba

- Greater Flagstone ( in Flagstone South only )

The term Greater Flagstone was indicative of the area which had not then been included in the urban footprint to that point in time' It did not include all 4 areas currently included in proposed UDA which we are now have opportunity to make submissions about - until 20 May 2011

The language is somewhat confusing but identified growth areas are those areas subject to FURTHER INVESTIGATION before they are included in the urban footprint. See p 107 - 109 on Identified Growth Areas
IGAs are shown indicatively on this map. They will be subject to further review before their boundaries are finalised and the Minister considers them for inclusion as a Development Area.
IGAs - Table 7 identifies areas outside the urban footprint which, subject to further investigations, may accommodate growth beyond 2031. The long-term viability of urban development of IGAs will be protected by retaining IGAs within the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area to limit further development and fragmentation within the life of the plan. Urban development within an IGA before 2031 will only occur in exceptional circumstances , subject to achieving compliance with Urban footprint principles and relevant investigations contained within the subregional narratives . Any further consideration of an IGA for urban development will also take into account proximity to existing and planned urban infrastrucuture networks and associated costs of expanding the network to accommodate growth in the IGA, and achieving a compact urban settlement pattern in the region."

See p 28 SEQRP 2009 - 2031

" The North Naclean Identified Growth Area comprises land outside the Urban Footprint, adjacent to the Mt LIndesay Highway ,south of Gieseman park, east of Greenbank Rd and north of the Logan River. Further investigations will determine the area's cadastral boundaries before it can be considered for urban use. "
"Subject to further investigations, this area could accommodate an enterprise precinct with office, commercial, warehouse, retail services and low - impact industrial uses. This use depends on responding to biodiversity values and physical constraints ,and compliance with the remaining urban footprint
principles ( Principle 8.2)" 

See SEQRP p 92 ( 8.2 Containing Growth)
General Principles
6 - Minor adjustments should be made to include land in or remove land from the urnban Footprint to reflect changed circumstances including new or better information , to correct existing anomalies or to recognise constraints".
" Operational Principles

7 Areas to be considered for inclusion in the Urban footprint should :

 be physically suitable
 exclude areas with an unacceptable risk of natural hazards including predited impacts of climat change
 exclude areas with significant biodiversity values
 be appropriately separated from incompatibel land uses
 be either a logical expansion of an existing urban area, or of sufficient size to support the efficient provision of social and economic infrastructure"
8. New Urban footprint areas should be located to :
 mainatin the integrity of inter-urban breaks
 minimise impacts on natural resources


Read 5255 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44