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Teviot Downs residential DA 'controlled action'.

Teviot Downs residential DA  declared  a 'controlled action'.

quoll-fprintA decision on 12th October last week by the Federal Government on the Teviot Downs residential DA has declared it a 'controlled action'. This means that the proposed development now requires assessment and approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act ( EPBC Act) before it can proceed.

The controlling provisions included were listed threatened species and communities ( section 18 and 18A EPBC Act) and Commonwealth land ( sections 26 and 27A in the EPBC Act) . One of the threatened species of significance in the area around the proposed Teviot Downs residential estate is the federally endangered spotted tail quoll.

The Federal government will now assess the preliminary documentation for the proposed development and the Federal Environment Minister, Mr Tony Burke, will make a decision on whether to not approve, approve or approve the proposed development with conditions.

LACA's President, Anne Page, welcomed the decision by the Federal government. She said, "The spotted tail quoll is listed as an endangered species under the EPBC Act. Residents continue to report sightings of quolls in our local area and this decision highlights the importance of residents reporting wildlife sightings in our local area."

Read 3976 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44