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Who is wearing blinkers?

KUNGFUWho is wearing blinkers?

Whichever South East Queensland council are you live in there are plans for urban, industry, mining and infrastructure expansion - all meaning loss of bushland vegetated areas. The koala has a very specialised diet - eating only from a range of 17 eucalyptus species. We see huge old gums cut down for a road. Old growth trees and forests are critical not only for koalas but many other species using that habitat. Humans are able to build roads within a short few months or years. We cannot grow forests even in 30 years.

How much does it cost to build a forest? Millions of dollars! This economic cost needs to be added to the cost of the road. Why do we bother with our efforts to replace lost habitat? Do we do it for the animals? In reality governments do it to appease the general community. Perhaps there is a growing realization, that humans also need the forests?

Worldwide there is acceptance  that nature has a value - but when those who want to destroy the natural environment are asked to pay compensation then they cry foul!

Read 1636 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44