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Koala conservation in SEQ - it is good enough? Have your say!

FlagstoneNew koala planning provisions will be introduced in December 2009 and comprise:

New koala conservation state planning regulatory provisions: the Proposed South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provision ( 746 KB 38p) and proposed koala habitat mapping that will regulate new development in koala habitat areas. You can access the several area maps from this dip page

Map 24 does not show any koala habitat in the Flagstone area? Difficult to believe - if you see all the surrounding habitat?

A koala conservation state planning policy: the South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Policy, which will assist local governments to plan strategically for growth and manage the impacts of growth on koala habitat. The South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Policy will outline how new or amended planning schemes will maintain or enhance koala habitat to achieve desired environmental outcomes and create a network of koala habitat and movement areas across South East Queensland's Urban Footprint.

Community feedback has informed the development of the koala planning provisions to date and will continue to play a role in the development of the new draft provisions outlined above.

The draft provisions will be available for community consultation in December 2009 and are expected to be finalised in 2010.

Interim development controls
The government introduced interim development controls in December 2008 that immediately put in place stronger controls on urban development within koala habitat areas until the introduction of the new protective planning provisions.

On 2 November 2009, the protections were strengthened with the Draft South East Queensland Koala State Planning Regulatory Provisions ( 151 KB), which introduced a moratorium on the clearing of mature koala habitat trees. READ THOSE PROVISIONS HERE.

The habitat maps define the areas to which the Draft SEQ Koala State Planning Regulatory Provisions apply. These maps are also available for inspection at the Department of Infrastructure and Planning, Ground Floor, 63 George Street, Brisbane and will be available on the Department of Environment and Resource Management's interactive mapping website shortly.

New policy: Biodiversity development offset area
The Proposed South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provision ( 794 KB) that will take effect in December 2009, introduce a new policy, 'biodiversity development offset area', as an additional mechanism to protect biodiversity in Queensland. This includes high-conservation value koala habitat considered to be 'at risk' from the impacts of development.

More information on the biodiversity development offset area policy is available in the fact sheet  ( 126 KB) and associated guideline (available soon).

Koala habitat tree means a tree of any of the following genera-
(a) Angophora;
(b) Corymbia;
(c) Eucalyptus;
(d) Lophostemon;
(e) Melaleuca.

Have your say
Submissions are invited on two issues:

1. The moratorium on clearing vegetation, part of the Draft South East Queensland Koala State Planning Regulatory Provisions ( 151 KB). Submissions close 24 December 2009.
2. The biodiversity development offset area policy, part of the Proposed South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provision ( 794 KB). Submissions close 1 December 2009.
Submissions can be made by:

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Fax + 61 7 3235 4071
Draft SEQ Koala State Planning Regulatory Provisions
Department of Infrastructure and Planning
Reply Paid 15009 City East
Brisbane Qld 4002

Biodiversity development offset area policy
Department of Infrastructure and Planning
Reply Paid 15009 City East
Brisbane Qld 4002


Read 6165 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43