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What is the long term strategy for koala protection in SEQ?

koala_action_sm.jpgThe Queensland government long term planning strategy for protecting koala habitat values through planning and development process is the establishment of a new Koala State Planning Policy in 2009.

The finalisation of the mapping and a new Koala State Planning Policy will, we hope, help determine the appropriate protection mechanisms to ensure the long term protection of koalas in SEQ. The timing of this work will also allow the outcomes to be considered in the final SEQ Regional Plan 2009-2031 in July 2009. The draft SEQ Regional Plan 2009-2031 is open for submissions from December 2008 to 3 April 2009.

Draft SEQ Koala State planning regulatory provisions can be downloaded here.

   Submissions close 27 February 2009 


Until these matters are addressed and finalised, the Koala SPRP will be in effect.


 Other measures which the government is undertaking in regards to the Koala crisis include:

  • introducing powers to enable compulsory acquisition of koala habitat and areas suitable for reestablishment outside the SEQ urban footprint $10 million
  • on new main roads and upgrades to include koala friendly designs and examine retrofitting of koala crossings to existing main roads unless urgently
  • required for social infrastructure around 170,000 ha of state lands cannot be sold or cleared until the koala values can be assessed encouragement of SEQ
  • councils to regulate dogs and maintain individual koala habitat trees development of new public education and monitoring campaigns.


Have your say - public consultation and submission process
The Department of Infrastructure and Planning is now seeking public comments and submissions on the draft SEQ Koala SPRP.

Submissions close 27 February 2009. After a review of the submissions, the final State planning regulatory provisions can be made.

To make a properly made submission it must be in writing be received on or before 27 February 2009 state the name and address of each person who made the submission. Submissions by email or in other electronic form will be accepted provided they include the full name and email address (or other address) of the submitter. By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Forward your submission to:

Draft SEQ Koala State planning regulatory provisions
Department of Infrastructure and Planning
Reply Paid 15009 City East
Brisbane Qld 4002


Do you need help to put in a submission to Queensland government to add your voice to protecting the koala and its habitat? Contact us. Fewer than 4000 koalas survive in SEQ today - down from 25000. Some concerned conservationists believe that is already too late to preserve our native icon in its natural state.

The more people who engage in the process the bigger the chance. Please consider joining a conservation or wildlife group in your local area.


Read 2685 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:42