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Wildlife in danger

canungakoala_web.jpg Recently Logan and Albert Conservation co-hosted a series of wildlife workshops with Wildlife Tourism Australia. A two day wildlife expo attracted people from Redcliffe to Redlands and northern New South Wales.  The former Beaudesert Shire Council supported these acticities with a Community Environmental Assistance Grant.

The many people who attended and / or presented at the workshops and expo all share a concern that the welfare of our native fauna is not given adequate protection by current local, state or federal legislation. Current road design does not make provision for safe fauna crossings. Although  some small moves towards increasing fauna protection has occurred, really nothing is happening fast enough.

Look at this youtube video, produced by registered wildlife carer Trixie. Everyday she is called to rescue birds, her paricular passion, from senseless acts of cruelty - unintended though they be. Most of us do not see the consequences of our actions and continue to do what others do because that what humans do.

Go to this link to view an environmental crisis. Wildlife carers receive almost no financial support to help care for injured fauna and locally in both Logan City and Scenic Rim Region we have as yet no planning in place for longterm care of those creaures unable to be released to natural bushland areas. We also have no wildlife hospital as exists in Gold Coast, Brisbane and Sunshine Coast areas. CAN YOU HELP US IMPROVE CONDITIONS FOR OUR LOCAL WILDLIFE?

Contact us if you'd like to help. Please go to contact page and register your interest. You can also contact Trixie at crowsinoz[at]

Read 2055 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:42