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Can Logan Take the Load?

OurFutureLogo_brown_smlGriffith University Logan campus auditorium 13 September 2010 hosted the first Brisbane Institute forum to be held in Logan. Continuing the series of population growth forums, audience and speakers looked at the opportunities and challenges for Logan, one of two regions proposed to absorb some of the people moving to Queensland's south east corner. According to the moderator, The Courier-Mail's Anna Reynolds,who hosted an absorbing discussion on the issues, opportunities and challenges of managing Queensland's population growth - especially in Logan's Flagstone and Yarrabilba communities, this forom was the best attended - with over 200 residents - current residents who are concerned that any growth in Logan is managed in a more ecologically stainable manner.

Can Logan take the load?

Logan Mayor Pam Parker, Urban Land Development Authority CEO Paul Eagles, RPS Chairman Jim McKnoulty, local business leader Kerry Armstrong and Griffith University planning professor Brendan Gleeson shared their perspectives, followed by a lively debate covering employment opportunities, infrastructure, household affordability and community cohesion.  

The answer? Yes, Logan can take the load... but not without significant government investment and much, much more community consultation and involvement!

Some attendees may not agree with this published outcome! What is the cost of loosing 32% of Logan's green space? as Mayor Pam Parker espoused we would still have 50% green - compared with our current 18% urban. These are percentages that require further investigations?

Read 3303 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44