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FORUM - Logan Mayor Pam Parker - discussing Queensland's rapid population growth

Can Queensland continue to welcome the thousands of people each week who want to move here?

Will our infrastructure cope or are those calling for a population cap threatening the state's jobs growth?

Will we all have to get used to living closer to each other in higher density suburbs?

The State Government is gearing up for a population growth summit on March 30 and 31.

Panel members:

Professor Paul Burton: Deputy Director, and Chair of Urban Management - Gold Coast, Griffith University Urban Research Program.

Najda Kunz: Nadja holds a dual degree in chemical engineering and business management. She is a member of both the Queensland Youth Environment Council (QYEC) and Engineers without Borders.

Councillor Pam Parker: Mayor of Logan City. As Logan City's first female Mayor, she is drawing on her long-term Council experience and rapport with the community to cater for the city's 261,000 residents and plan for the city's future.

Brian Stewart: Brian is the CEO (Qld.) Urban Dervelopment Institute of Australia.

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Andrew McNamara who served three terms in the Queensland Parliament as Member for Hervey Bay between 2001 and 2009 and was Minister for Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation in the previous term of the Bligh Government wrote

The failure to recognize and confront the danger of exponential population growth now transcends every other problem that confronts us. The idea that the world's population will be "stable" at 9 or 10 billion is ludicrous, as we watch refugee flows ramping up as a result of water and food shortages now. The answers to the issues of climate change, food security, energy security and water security cannot be found without acknowledging one simple fact.

There are too many of us.
You can read the whole article on the Brisbane Institute website here

If you are attending the forum please consider your mode of transportation and lessen impacts of your journey. Hope to see you there!




Read 4908 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44