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State Planning Policy feedback - KRAs and other topics

The draft SPP State Planning Policy identifies the state's interests in planning and development and how these are to be dealt with in planning instruments, council development assessment processes and in designating land for community infrastructure.

It will provide the tools to empower and support local governments to make the right planning decisions for their community and to implement state interests in the way that best suits their community needs.

An integrated mapping system is being developed to visually represent the state's interests and will be available with the final SPP, which is expected to come into effect in the second half of this year.

18state-interests-within-draft-SPP five-categoriesHaving your say - by Wednesday 12 June

As a statutory consultation process, the Minister must consider all submissions, so the best way for people to make their views known is through a formal written submission.

To provide a properly made submission you are required to:
- include the name and residential or business address of the submitter
- be made in writing, and unless submitted electronically, must be signed by each person who has made the submission.

Forward your submission to:
Post: State Planning Policy feedback
Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
Reply Paid 15009
City East Brisbane QLD 4002
Fax: +61 7 3237 1812
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can also continue to speak directly to the SPP team regarding your concerns through the dedicated email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and/or hotline 1800 600 163.

Designating land for community infrastructure includes such projects as power infrastructure eg POWERLINK's multi million dollar line to mining operations was deemed to be community infrastructure as is the SFRC Southern Freight Rail Corridor

Economic growth government believes will come from

          • Agriculture
          • Development and construction
          • Mining and extractive resources - includes 5 KRAs in SRRC. Policy seeks to avoid and manage current and potential land use conflicts. An anomalous situation as this sector conflicts with ecotourism and farming.
          • Tourism

How will the KRAs impact on the program known as National Landscapes ? Managed by Tourism Australia and Parks Australia, the National Landscapes program focuses on the development and marketing of Australia's 15 most significant, world class natural areas. The program aims to provide visitors with new and engaging experiences to increase visitation, dispersal and length of stay within Australia's most unique natural environments. Queensland's three National Landscapes include the World Heritage listed Wet Tropics, the Great Barrier Reef and Australia's Green Cauldron (more commonly known as the Gondwana Rainforest Reserves of Australia on the Queensland and New South Wales border)  in Scenic Rim.

It is challenging to see how all these policies including the SEQ Koala Conservation SPP 2/10 can be improved by a single policy.

Have your say on any aspect of this draft policy. 

Information about KRAs is available here pdfKRA_spp_2_07__training_handout_aug07.pdf

Read our LACA Logan and Albert Conservation Association 2011 objection to Kerry Quarry application - not approved by council and later withdrawn by applicant here pdfLACA-QUARRY-OBJECTION2011.pdf838.82 KB

Read 3037 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:45