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Koalas and SEQ Climate Change Management Plan


Koalas and SEQ Climate Change Management Plan

Actions to support SEQKA - South East Queensland Koala Alliance.

A valid submission to every Queensland government draft plan is an opportunity to raise your concerns about the impact the proposed government plan will have on the long term survival of the iconic koala in South East Queensland.

What is SEQKA?

We are a growing group of citizens, community members, wildlife care groups and their members, scientists, individuals, town planners, university staff and students,conservation groups, farmers, teachers, students and more, who have in our daily lives witnessed and are witnessing still the demise of the koala as its habitat is cleared to make way for the spread of increased human settlement.

Please send an email today . Remember to include your name and address.


The closing date was extented to October 09, 2009. Read The Queensland State Government is calling for submissions to its Draft South East Queensland Climate Change Management Plan at

This Plan is intended to support the SEQ Regional Plan 2009-31 and its pro-growth agenda.


Make a submission to the Draft South East Queensland Climate Change Management Plan via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Send a copy (cc) to Premier Anna Bligh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SEQKA would appreciate knowing about your support. You can do this by sending a blind copy of your rmail (bcc) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or forwarding if you prefer.


These are some points for possible inclusion in your submission. Please modify or overwrite them in your own words if you have time. Of course you are free to write your own submission as well.


Title of your e-mail:

Submission to the South East Queensland Climate Change Management Plan

Body of the e-mail:

These comments are made under the following Sections: Part 3: Climate Change Planning In SEQ; Section 3.1: Regional Planning Response To Climate Change and Table 5: Climate change principles, policies and programs of the SEQ Regional Plan.

  1. The South East Queensland Climate Change Management Plan 2008 is fatally flawed as its purpose is to support the 'managing growth agenda' of the SEQ Regional Plan 2009-31; South East Queensland's negative impact on Climate Change cannot be mitigated unless the population is stabilised as a first and urgent step.
  2. Increases in greenhouse gas emissions almost directly parallel population growth; the Queensland Government cannot claim in any way to be dealing with the problem of Climate Change through the SEQ Regional Plan while it actively pursues an ever-increasing population.
  3. The notion that population growth and continued rampant development are measures which will mitigate Climate Change is ridiculous: overpopulation and overconsumption of the earth's resources are at the heart of Climate Change.
  4. Climate Change and the urgency of associated dire circumstances should not be used to promote and drive a growth agenda under the guise of delivering effective Climate Change mitigation initiatives: unless such initiatives are promoted and implemented across a stabilised population, any savings in impact made will be lost through the sheer quantum of consumption of an expanding population.
  5. Any new development, regardless of its inherent Climate Change initiatives, means a burgeoning of the ecological footprint and continued, relentless overpopulation and overconsumption of the earth's resources - the drivers of Climate Change.
  6. The South East Queensland Climate Change Management Plan 2008 fails in its purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions as it doesn't seek to reduce the production of coal, one of the key generators of green house gas emissions.
  7. The SEQ Regional Plan 2009-31 and its agenda of endless population growth are driving the destruction of the forests, bushland and other vegetation that are needed to mitigate Climate Change. Unless the SEQ Regional Plan is amended to reflect a stabilised population for the SEQ Region, the Climate Change Management Plan will be nothing more than 'greenwash' and ineffective rhetoric.
Read 4685 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43