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Moratorium on fossil fuel mining call from LOCK THE GATE

lock-the-gateMoratorium on fossil fuel mining call from LOCK THE GATE

An undemocratic process has disenfranchised the Australian people with regards to the development of the coal and unconventional gas mining industries in Australia.

An undemocratic process has disenfranchised the  people of Queensland with regards to the development of lands subject only to ULDA APPROVAL.

The LOCK THE GATE Alliance is a national alliance of community, industry and environmental groups and individuals.

The long-term cost of our water, food security and our communities is at risk.

Fossil fuel extraction has a detrimental effect on the health of people and the environment. 

 Our most productive food production land is at risk. The precautionary principle is not beng applied. What happens to the world's biodiversity?

 Read the factsheets to gain a better understanding of processes involved.

What is the real cost of short term economic growth - for overseas investors?



Read 3783 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44