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Climate Rally 13 June 1pm Queens Park Brisbane

co2insmokeNational Climate Emergency Rally 13 June 2009 - join across Australia on 13 June 2009 in a peaceful rally for urgent action and leadership to avoid catastrophic climate change. On Monday 5 May 2009, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd reneged on his 2007 election promise to take action to avoid catastrophic climate change.  The clear majority of national and state conservation groups have jointly written to the Prime Minister, voicing their incredulity at this about-face.  LACA joins these groups in condemning the Federal government's dilution of its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS).  Open and read the joint letter from the conservation sector to the Prime Minister.    Joint_Statement_from_Conservation_Sector_to_Prime_Minister_5_May_2009.pdf 557.07 Kb 05/06/2009, 20:01

Join the rally on 13 June at 1pm Queens Park, corner of George and Elizabeth streets, Brisbane CBD.

More information go to

WEAR RED to signify a climate emergency and bring banners and signs.


Rally Speakers include:
Kirsten Kennedy Pine Rivers Climate Action Network, Sandra Bayley St Johns Wood Sustainability, Peter Simpson QLD Secretary, Electrical Trade Union, Larissa Waters The Greens, John Mackenzie Six Degrees PLUS MUSICAL PERFORMANCES

Climate Change is the biggest challenge of our time. Dramatic emissions reductions are needed urgently to avoid dangerous tipping points and irreversible impacts to the economy and the planet.

Australia is well placed for a transition to clean energy. Yet when faced with this immense challenge, the Government is failing to act. They are putting the interests of big business above the Australian people. Billions of dollars in compensation and subsidies to polluting industries is ensuring their survival at the expense of much needed investment in renewable energies.

Get involved  call David 0403 871 082 or Ewan 0401 234 610.Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subscribe to the QLD Climate Network email list - email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 3094 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43