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Queensland Environment Groups Election Scorecard launch

thumb-protect-climate.jpgMedia Alert

 Launch of Queensland Environment Groups Election Scorecard


Where do the major parties stand on the key environment issues at this State election?

Place: Queensland Conservation Office
             166 Ann St Brisbane

Date: Tuesday 17th March 2009  Time: 1.00 pm

For Further Information:

Toby Hutcheon (QCC) 3221 0188/0419664 503
Don Henry (ACF) 0418 501395
Tim Seelig (TWS) 0439 201183
Nick Heath (WWF) 0418 885324
Simon Baltais (SPA) 0412 075 334

Compare election priorities scorecard for a safe climate, healthy rivers, nature protection and community future on this document.   scorecard.doc 37.50 Kb 17/03/2009, 08:22

Read the media alert to see the 16 Queensland groups who are working together to protect our unique environment for our current and future populations.   media_alertscorecard17march.doc 168.50 Kb 17/03/2009, 08:35



Read 1382 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43