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No consultation in PDA at North Maclean EP for 820 Greenbank Road

NO DECISION YET for 820 Greenbank Rd .
The decision timeline has been extended by 15-20 days apparently because the applicants have agreed to this.
This gives our community more time to lobby and get organized. This is a small win but an important one which has come about as a result of successflly campaigning on behalf of the community.

Please see next article for ideas to help you MAKE YOUR OWN SUBMISSION

This comes despite the verbal assertion by state government planning assessment officer is that a

decision will be made on or before Wednesday 27 January 2016.

Community is being denied a formal consultation process but despite this we can - and should - communicate our concerns to  state and federal government!! 

On 1 February 2013, the Urban Land Development Authority ULDA was replaced by Economic Development Queensland (EDQ), a commercialised business unit within the department. Development applications for priority development areas are now assessed by the department. In some instances, the assessment of development applications has been delegated by the Minister for Economic development to the relevant local government authority. This has not happened in Logan City for Greater Flagstone PDA nor  Yarrabilba PDA

Within Greater Flagstone PDA there are several discrete land areas - not sharing a common boundary. NORTH MACLEAN INDUSTRIAL PRECINCT is one such land parcel. Again within this NMEP there are 5 separate landowners / developers who have or will submit development applications to the state government MEDQ. 

Currently the largest land parcel the WEARCO site is being assessed - using the process of preliminary documentation - for impact on federally endangered species under EPBC 2013/6941. Community had a short time to make comments - to the developer who then "responded" to our concerns to the federal government. The significance of sightings of spotted-tail quoll reported within range of the proposed NMEP should not be discounted. 

Although there will be no public notification period for 820 Greenbank Road to subdivide 1 lot into 12 industrial sites with an area of "open space", you can send in a comment about the documents which are now online.  

View the latest development applications Then select Priority Development Areas (PDAs) which are parcels of land within Queensland, identified for specific accelerated development with a focus on economic growth. They were "identified" in the SEQRP South East Queensland Regional Plan - due for review this year 2016.

Look for Application #DEV2015/727. The application has been accepted "as properly made". The traffic impact assessment and concept civil engineering services report disclose some ROAD PLANNING of interest to the local community. This includes proposed new industrial collector access road connecting from Greenbank Road and using existing Willowbrok Road reserve. Greenbank Road  remains 2 lane with 4 lanes planned for Cusack and Scotts Lanes. Hardly "lanes" at 4 lanes while  Mount Lindesay Highway (in name only) is 2 lanes.

Community will be able to make an informal submission / comment. This information is from verbal comment from Queensland Government  Department of  Local Government  Infrastructure and Planning  DLGIP who advise that a State Government decision is due on or before 27 January 2016.

We can also phone and email local MP Linus Power, Minister Jackie Trad, as well as Senators Joanna Lindgren, Larissa Waters, Scott Buchholz  to request that they make urgent representations to not approve this application.

Some contact details are available here

Senator Joanna Lindgren's contacts are available here.

Contact Economic Development Queensland's Development Assessment team by: Phone: (07) 3452 7437

•  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Send your submission / comments here and consider cc'ing other contacts as well.

Read 8150 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:46