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NOTHING IS PROTECTED along corridor for section of

INLAND RAIL Calvert - Acacia Ridge ARTC 2017/7944 

prepared by Ted Fensom of Wildlife Qld and BREC - Brisbane Region Environment Council

This could involve clearing of about 500 hectares of koala and fauna habitat and near natural grasslands without any clarity on a range of sustainable fauna outcomes. This clearing could increase for each of haul roads, access roads, dumps, lay down areas, cuttings and depots. A combined EIS under

A combined EIS under bilaterals is proposed. The Coordinator General's Terms of Reference COG's TOR is yet to come out. See EPBC 2017/7944- controlled action documents 
The Acacia Ridge to Port of Brisbane rail mentioned in Senate estimates is still a matter of State- Federal negotiations.
Tunnels proposed at Woollamin are Woollamin 1 length of 1.1 km and Woollamin 2 200 metres. Information on the Ebenezer crossing is needed
Vegetation will be remapped for Regional Ecosystems, but that does not necessarily disclose High Value Regrowth, Old Growth, Rare and Threatened Species or classification of near natural grasslands or Biodiversity Hotspots under CNCCS or SEQB BPA .


The rejected inland rail proposal by NTC had a $10 Billion target with different alignment, twin rails and tunnels and 2 and half containers in height and longer trains. The ARTC appears to be twin engines, 2.5 kilometre long trains, double stacked containers and perhaps 20 trains a day in the early period on a single line. Other residents have elicited different answers of 3.5 kms long trains at 100km /hr.

The "TRAIN" documents indicate a "Bromelton to the Port Road" (north south arterial) and undisclosed upgrading of Mt Lindesay Highway without reports, extents, timeline or budget line. With the Inland Port Truck and Goods Terminal at Bromelton, these promise - with 24 hour overnight usage -  to permanently sever Bioregional Corridors and east west fauna connectivity in Logan City Council and most of Scenic Rim Regional Council without real time green fauna infrastructure.

The Bromelton- Kagaru to Acacia Ridge Rail has a number of road overbridges where the rail beds will have to be lowered, with 5 bridges at Johnson Road, Learoyd Road, Middle Road, Pub Lane etc.

Logan City Council have raised issues of noise (screens) vibration (trains and construction with no mitigation) and Coal dust (wetting and covering), but missed the natural environment and cultural issues having no jurisdiction over the PDAs of Greater Flagstone and wild areas of the Scenic Rim Regional Council.

Terms of Reference
The items of 1-10 need inclusion in the COG's Terms of Reference .
There is no commitment to specific items which need to be injected into the terms of reference 
1.Offsets but some alternative buyback may be possible. This is necessary for lack of green space /Bioregional Corridors in the PDAs and DTMR severances of corridors and core areas and disappearing offsets in the 2 Local Authorities. Destinations like; Norris Creek , Chambers Creek and Biodiversity Hotspots near Flinders Peak and Mt Elliott are appropriate buybacks to link up existing reserves and bioregional corridors of ; State , Subregional SEQB BPA , Regional Biodiversity Values and Local Government designations.
2. Fauna overpasses, dry cell fauna underpasses, glider poles or fauna proof fencing , or see Fauna Sensitive Road Design Volume 2. (DTMR) are uncommitted.
3. Details of new haul roads , access roads ,cuttings and severance of rural roads and creek crossings are not available
4. Identification of sacred sites etc. is missing although 2 clans are in dialogue Jaggera and Yuggera (Counter land claim)?.
5. Certain localities require fauna overpasses Ebenezer , Purga , Peak Crossing Washpool, Woollamin Creek vicinity , Wyatt Road and Johnson Road -unconfirmed.
6. The extent of Fauna Surveys is not disclosed. Surveys since the Mount Lindesay
North Beaudesert Study Area 2005 have not been best practice or else largely missing .
Fauna studies or EISs for the PDAs, Infrastructure or major developments have been hidden by LCC /BSC or poor to missing elsewhere.
7.Koala Surveys and Quoll Surveys are warranted. There are other Nature Conservation Act and EPBC Act protected species which need special attention.
8. Separation distance to Woollamin Creek and adequate buffering and run off mitigation are undetermined.
9. The Flora surveys need to include High value Regrowth, Old Growth Values. Regional Biodiversity Values which lack attributes and Environmental Planning Instruments (draft SEQ Regional Plan) and Matters of Local Environmental Significance require updating and initiating.
10. Essential Koala Habitat needs revision in this area.

Fauna Surveys
The Fauna Surveys need to use Elliot Traps, Hair Traps and Cage Traps as well as pit traps/fences, spotlighting, playback and anabat monitors/Harp Traps. The cheapskate surveys seen to date, just use unsatisfactory infrared cameras and one day koala surveys. Seven Quoll Surveys to date have only found one scat and a smashed trap in spite of roadkills and community observations collated and mapped by LACA and sent to the Federal Environment Department .
The need for Fauna overpasses remains uncommitted by ARTC.

Other Issues of Matters of State Environmental Significance, Regional Bioversity Values which lack attributes and Environmental Planning Instruments (draft SEQ Regional Plan) and Matters of Local Environmental Significance require updating and initiating . Essential Koala habitat needs revision in this area.

Read 5431 times Last modified on Sunday, 27 September 2020 09:55