SURVEYS or CENSUS COUNTS for two local bird species - Sunday 31 October 2010
Glossy Black Cockatoo and Australian White Ibis.

As the Glossy Black Cockatoo may be confused by another black bird, identification workshops are being held for those interested in helping. The Conservancy website has great identification tools as well. Please register at site linked above if you can help.
The Australian White Ibis is a protected native species that plays an important role in their natural wetland habitat. However, drought and inland water management issues have contributed to the White Ibis shifting to urban areas where they have found plentiful food, particularly at waste landfills. As a result, urban White Ibis populations have exploded over the last two decades. They are now often perceived as a 'pest' because of their nuisance value, risk to aviation safety, and impact on biodiversity.
Your participation in this survey will aid the long term conservation and effective management of Australian White Ibis by providing a better understanding of their distribution and abundance throughout Australia. Download a flyer here.