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Our Koalas Need You!



Our Koalas Need You!

On 10 November 2009, scientists from around Australia will meet to decide on the Australian Koala Foundation's nomination of the koala as ‘vulnerable' under the EPBC Act, Australia's threatened species legislation. If the Koala is protected then it will mean that all developments in koala habitat will have federal oversight, something that hasn't happened since white settlement 200 years ago.

So what can you do?

We ask that you write to:

  • Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd
  • Federal Environment Minister, Peter Garrett This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Demand that they protect your national icon and change the federal listing of the Koala to ‘vulnerable to extinction'.
  • Visit especially the KOALA CAMPAIGNERS SECTION and there will be standard letters for you to write about this listing.
Read 12538 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43