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iyf_homeInternational Year of Forests, 2011 (Forests 2011) website, is a global platform to celebrate people's action to sustainably manage the world's forests. The United Nations General Assembly declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests. Here, you will find information regarding events being organised throughout the International Year as well as interactive web tools and resources to promote dialogue on forests.

300 million of the world's people live in forests.

Forests cover 31% of or planets land.

80% of terrestial biodiversity live in the forests.

Forest products trade is valued at over $320 billion.

The world's forests provide livlihood food and shelter and are responsible for cleaning our air and the water cycle which recycles the earth's water. They are invaluable to mankind for providing an environment where in we can thrive. Man has yet to learn within the parameters of the global system to live in harmony with nature - using her bounty in a sustainable manner. Other species with whom we share the forest ar part if the interrelated connection of all species.

Yet despite what we know now about the richness and riches of the world's forests there are some - large corporations - who with government support and license continue to exploit those resources without paying the real costs.

INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS for PEOPLE and the International Forest Film Festival aims to raise awareness on the importance of forests, their relationship with people and the planet we share, and consequently, to inspire a sense of personal responsibility/stewardship for a greener, more equitable, sustainable future.

The overall theme of the Festival will be: Forests for People, with sub categories:
360 Degrees on All Things Forest: Awarded to the film that best communicates humanity's social, cultural, economic or spiritual interconnectivity to forests.
Living Forests: Awarded to the film that most effectively showcases the rich diversity and complexity of the forest ecosystem.
Issues & Solutions: Awarded to the film that most effectively communicates solutions to environmental and sustainability issues facing forests and all its inhabitants, including people.
Forest Hero: Awarded to the film that most effectively celebrates the work of individuals or groups committed to forest research and sustainability.
 "This is my forest": Awarded to the film that tells the story of the forest, captures the best or most moving personal experience with forests, whether it's in your backyard, in the city or in the country, that mean the most to you.
Shorts: Awarded to the best forest film of less than 15 minutes in length.


Read 3480 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44